CEMA - the voice of the European Agricultural Machinery Industry

CEMA is the association representing the European agricultural machinery industry. With 11 national member associations, the CEMA network represents both large multinational companies and numerous European SMEs active in the sector. 

CEMA represents about 1,300 manufacturers, producing more than 450 different types of machines with an annual turnover of about €40 billion (EU28 - 2016) and 150,000 direct employees. CEMA companies produce a large range of machines that cover any activity in the field from seeding to harvesting, as well as equipment for livestock management.

Our Vision:

Advance agricultural machinery and solutions for sustainable farming.

Our Mission: 

Bring shared expertise and shape EU legislation for the benefit of sustainable farming and the agriculture machinery and solutions sector. 


Our Structure: 

CEMA's General Assembly (GA) elects the Board of Directors (2-year mandate) which oversees and controls the work of CEMA and its different working groups:

1.      Strategic Committee (SC) 

2.      Economic Expert Group (EEG)

3.      Product Groups (PGs)

4.      Technical Board (TB)

Specific technical and regulatory issues are dealt with in dedicated Project Teams (PTs)which operate under the umbrella of the Technical Board and bring together representatives of national associations and industry experts.

The day-to-day work and contacts with other organisations are managed by the CEMA Secretariat.

The President of CEMA is Mr Stefan Top.CEMA structure updated 2