The project has been running info webinars targeted at SMEs interested in applying
It has been a month since the launch of the 2nd agROBOfood Open call: Industrial challenges, a mechanism used to provide financial support to third parties in order to accelerate network expansion, driven by the robotics community and the European agrifood sector. Companies across the Europe are working hard to prepare high-quality proposals, with tech solutions tackling real industry problems. You can find more details on the Open Call requirements and goals here.
The agROBOfood Consortium and network of already established Regional Clusters are putting in place several actions to assist companies in the most efficient way. Beside the extensive section of FAQ available on the project website, the project Partners in charge for the Open call are organizing Open Call webinars tailored specifically to SMEs interested in applying.
The first of these webinars was held on 20th November. Targeting SMEs interested in applying, it presented a whole range of details, from eligibility criteria and topics of the challenges to more specific information on the application procedure. In case you missed it, you can watch the recording on the agROBOfood YouTube channel (link here). The accompanying presentation is available here.
You can join the agROBOfood network and to help consolidate, extend and strengthen the current ecosystem by establishing a sustainable network of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH), boosting the uptake of robotic solutions by the agri-food sector. Applications to the current Open Call will be collected until 20th January 2021!
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 825395