Research INNOSETA: Networking event for EU projects: “Joining efforts and ideas to improve education in agriculture”
It is a well-known fact that European Commission is promoting synergy and networking between the EU projects funded under the same call, but also beyond that. Knowledge and experience exchange between Horizon2020 projects and their stakeholders is crucial to maintain high quality of the European research, thus keeping the Europe on the pole position of global R&I agenda.
On Monday the 28th of June, INNOSETA was hosting a networking event for EU projects: “Joining efforts and ideas to improve education in agriculture”. Coordinators from thematic networks, projects focusing on crop protection and agricultural machinery, as well as digital agriculture are invited to exchange experiences and discuss EC project developments, common challenges and the future of education in European agriculture. Participating projects were FAIRSHARE and SMARTAGRIHUBS where CEMA is a Partner, including EUREKA, IPMWORKS, SMARTPROTECT, DEMETER, NEXTFOOD and AGRILINK. Dr. Teresa Hooks (TEAGASC), FAIRSHARE Coordinator, presented the role and relevance of the agricultural advisors in the world of digital advisory tools and services contributing to sustainable. The FAIRshare Repository already contain 238 DATS (Digital Advisory Tools and Services) including the Assessment tool to evaluate one of the available DATS. Lorena van de Kolk (S&P), in the role of responsible for SmartAgriHubs Ecosystem Building, presented the project Portal introducing some new and improved features like Library. The Portal already includes +700 registered users making the SmartAgriHubs network attractive to different stakeholders keen to learn more on DiH and CC concept, digitalization and practice behind it. You can find more information and register to the portal here.
As concluded by Prof. Emilio Gil (UPC), INNOSETA coordinator, the benefits of such event are multiple, giving the opportunity to different project to both present the project itself, but also to collect good practices from other projects and implement those in their ongoing and future activities. The importance of keeping the Platforms, being developed in numerous EU projects, alive after the project ends, has been highlighted on several occasion and consensus on that has been reached among participating projects.
In case you missed this interesting event, the recording is available here:
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 773864