CEMA releases policy paper tackling the rebuilding of Ukraine’s agriculture after the war
Brussels, 4th August 2023 – The European Agricultural Machinery Industry Association CEMA has released a Policy Paper on Rebuilding Ukraine’s Agriculture after the Full-Scale War: A Humanitarian and Economic Imperative. CEMA members often describe their purpose as feeding the world; in this context, CEMA is particularly concerned about the tragic consequences of the war in Ukraine on global food security. With this paper, CEMA wants to demonstrate its unwavering support for the Ukrainian people. CEMA expresses a genuine desire for a fair and prompt establishment of peace in Ukraine, allowing for the immediate initiation of reconstruction efforts.
The policy paper analyses the country’s agricultural sector and puts forward a range of practical measures drawing upon the organization's extensive experience in mechanizing agriculture, promoting international cooperation, and fostering economic development. These measures aim to address specific challenges and provide tangible solutions, and include various concrete actions, such as: stabilizing the Ukrainian rural population, giving farms access to finance, clearing the fields from landmines and war debris, modernizing Ukraine’s agriculture, supplying Ukrainian refugees with their cultural food.
Gilles Dryancour, chairman of the CEMA Strategic Committee, authored this policy paper and commented: “Wars are always a tragedy and this one is no exception to others. However, as private enterprises we need to prepare ourselves to a better future and help Ukrainian farmers to successfully integrate into the European Union. In the long-term, this implies that Ukraine agriculture becomes complementary to the current EU production, responding to the future collective needs of both partners”.
The CEMA Policy Paper on Rebuilding Ukraine's Agriculture after the Full-Scale War underscores the organization's genuine concern for the well-being of the Ukrainian people and its commitment to supporting the country's post-war agricultural revival. By proposing measures based on its expertise and experience, CEMA strives to play a vital role in reconstructing Ukraine's agricultural sector. With a steadfast focus on peace, reconstruction, and fulfilling its global mission, CEMA remains committed to its endeavour to feed the world and foster sustainable agricultural practices.
CEMA had the chance to present the paper at the Mission of Ukraine to the European Union on 19th July 2023 and had a fruitful exchange with Ambassador Vsevolod Chentsov.
The policy paper Rebuilding Ukraine’s Agriculture after the Full-Scale War: A Humanitarian and Economic Imperative can be found here.
For further information please contact:
CEMA Secretariat
Phone: +32 2 706 81 73
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