The Internet of Things, Big Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence open a new spectrum for all-size EU businesses
Data-driven innovation is a key enabler of growth and jobs in Europe. The importance of data collected online, the vast amount of data generated by objects connected to the Internet of Things (IoT), the increasing availability of Big Data analytics tools and the emergence of broad availability of certain Artificial Intelligence applications are key technical drivers in a connected world.
In April 2018 the European Commission launched its new “data package”, including relevant documents on Artificial Intelligence (Click HERE for link), as well as the working document ‘Guidance on sharing private sector data in the European data economy’ CLICK HERE. In January 2017 the Commission had already published the Communication ‘Building a European Data Economy’, putting forward a first description of potential issues of data access, in particular with respect to machine-generated data and with respect to platform-to-business relations