Market Trends
A key element of the CEMA activities is collecting statistics and data on market developments of the European agricultural machinery industry within different groups and through various platforms. Once analysed, CEMA then prepares several reports that are publicly available. Additionally, a monthly Barometer captures the mood of the key business players. CEMA is also part of the Agrievolution alliance where data and market trends are analysed from a worldwide perspective.
Business Barometer
The CEMA Business Barometer is a monthly survey sent to the European agricultural machinery industry and covering all major product categories. Industry players are asked to provide their view on the business mood based on current business sentiment and the expected turnover in the next 6 months. Each month CEMA publishes the main results from the survey.
Market Data
Data on the agricultural machinery market developments is gathered within different CEMA groups. Economic Experts from the different associations come together to discuss the broader trends and developments. The CEMA Product Groups, consisting of company representatives, collect statistics on a monthly basis and gather once a year for their annual meeting to discuss the main trends. Based on the results of these groups, CEMA publishes market data reports and key findings regarding market trends. The Agrievolution Alliance provides global data.
European market for arable farming and crop protection equipment decreasing in 2023
European tractor registrations lower in 2023 as demand slows in second half
Positive market development for European grassland equipment, but with many uncertainties for the future
Tractor registrations remain high in 2022, though down on the previous year, despite price and supply chain challenges
European grassland equipment markets stabilize
Economic Reports
Economic reports with more in-depth analyses are published by CEMA on an ad-hoc basis. These can include reports on specific markets such as the CEMA Trade & Investment reports. Occasionally CEMA will also publish reports done in cooperation with other partners.