Better EU Regulation

Producing safe and increasingly performant smart farm machines it is at the core of the European agricultural machinery industry. EU product legislation, and the harmonisation it brings, is highly appreciated by the industry. For the agricultural machinery sector, however, “Better Regulation” means appropriateness, in terms of conformity procedures, tests and reporting.
Appropriate administrative and technical requirements ensure that the sector continues to have the necessary freedom to innovate, despite the many types and low volumes. Farm machinery are not cars but, effectively, investment tools for farmers and should be treated as such.

Harmonised road rules for self-propelled agricultural machinery
Self-propelled agricultural machinery such as self-propelled sprayers or combine harvesters needs to meet technical requirements before they are allowed to go on the road.
EU Regulation sets stricter diesel engine exhaust emissions
Over the last 20 years, engine exhaust emissions from agricultural machines have been reduced significantly in line with applicable EU legislation. Today, a modern agricultural tractor emi ...

Allowing tractor technology to be marketed in all EU Member States by harmonising their approval was part of the post-WW2 strategy for agricultural development. Type-approval is considered the ‘old approach’ with a layer of regulated ‘mutual recognition’ being created above the existing nati ...

Modern agriculture cannot be imagined without machinery. CEMA companies are committed to continue producing state-of-the-art machinery in terms of functionalities and in the protection against the related health and safety risks. As trade-offs have to be made using a multifunctional tool like a tractor, there is a r ...

Repair & Maintenance Information (RMI)
The right for access to repair and maintenance information is defined in the tractor legislation as the right of any interested party to get the information necessary to perform a reparation and maintain an agricultural vehicle. It entails that manufacturers have to provide that information, preferably by a dedicate ...