Experts from the ag machinery will assess AI impact on the sector


Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) a hype or a true game changer for agriculture in Europe?

The answer is not there yet but the EU has put AI high on its political agenda as an opportunity not to miss out. Claims are AI will impact and transform economic sectors in Europe in the coming years.

So far, there is no applicable legislation but this may come soon. Therefore, a first assessment on the political and economic challenges for the sector with mainly new players (and some of them significantly large) dominating the new technology is needed.

In that respect, the CEMA Board decided to go a step further and investigate what AI is really about and where it can be used in agricultural machinery and on agricultural data.

In order to balance strategic, technical and legal expertise, the AI discussions within a CEMA Ad-Hoc group must lead to better understanding and recommendations for the sector.

Some of the questions put on the table during the first AI ad-hoc group meeting turn around:

  • How robust must an AI controller be?
  • What are the different possible scenarios in which AI can be deployed like in farm decision making, fleet management, functional optimisation, machine driving decision making?
  • What quality level of data is required for AI?
  • Who/what is liable when decisions are taken by an AI system?

The experts attending the first meeting elected Francesca Hennig-Possenti, from John Deere company as Chairwoman of this new group. 

To be continued...