Document: 2024-11_CEMA_Business_Barometer_Report.pdf

The general business climate index for the agricultural machinery industry in Europe has achieved its strongest increase since entering the recession period, but continues in deep negative territory. In November, the index increased from -52 point to -43 points (on a scale of -100 to +100).The general business climate index for the agricultural machinery industry in Europe has achieved its strongest increase since entering the recession period, but continues in deep negative territory. In November, the index increased from -52 point to -43 points (on a scale of -100 to +100).Overall, future expectations with regard to both incoming orders and turnover have improved. Less negative turnover expectations for the coming six months are for the third time in a row the sole reason for the improvements in the general business climate, while the current business evaluation has basically remained at a record low level.After order backlogs had peaked at the beginning of last year, the volume of orders has seen a repeated significant reduction and is now corresponding to a production period of 3.0 months, which is basically the average level for the years 2017 to 2020 and far below the boom years 2021 and 2022.


2024 11 Barometer