Business Barometer

The CEMA Business Barometer is a monthly survey sent to the European agricultural machinery industry and covering all major product categories. Industry players are asked to provide their view on the business mood based on current business sentiment and the expected turnover in the next 6 months. Each month CEMA publishes the main results from the survey.

June 2018 - Business climate is slowing down after reaching its peak
The general business climate index of the agricultural machinery industry in Europe has declined further after reaching its peak. The current business seems to remain at a relatively high level, but future expectations have become more cautious. A significant deterioration can be particularly observed in the segment ...

May 2018 - Business climate is deteriorating from high level
While remaining on a high level, the general business climate index of the agricultural machinery industry in Europe has further deteriorated. Especially future expectations have become more cautious. Incoming orders from both Europe and outside of Europe have lost considerable momentum.
The order stock of t ...

April 2018 - Business climate may have already reached its peak
The general business climate index of the agricultural machinery industry in Europe seems to have reached its peak (but remains on a high level). Especially future expectations have become somewhat more cautious. Incoming orders from both Europe and outside of Europe have lost considerable momentum.
Compared ...

March 2018 - Industry mood remains positive
The agricultural machinery industry mood remains positive at a high level in March. After a record high in February the general business climate index dropped slightly in March. However, the overall index is still at a relatively high point.
This drop was seen for all different products, but all segments con ...

February 2018 - Industry mood reaches highest level since 2009
The industry mood is on growth path again. Total agricultural machinery volume orders’ cover a production period longer than 3 months, the highest level since 2009.
All product segments experienced improvement. Manufacturers seem still little worried about any prospects for lower milk prices and an a ...

January 2018 - Business climate starts 2018 keeping its upward trend
The general business climate index of the agricultural machinery industry in Europe keeps on a very good level with only a few changes. The evaluation of the current business has further improved reaching its highest value since 2011. Nonetheless, future expectations are no longer as high as in the last months.
...December 2017 - Business climate stable at a high level
The general business climate index of the agricultural machinery industry in Europe remains at a high level. Evaluation of current business has further improved, while future expectations are no longer as high as in the last months. Order intake remains strong, but will not further increase. In total, the forecasts ...
November 2017 - Has business mood peaked already?
Though still on high levels, the general business mood in Europe's farm machinery industry may have peaked already. In particular, future expectations have become somewhat more cautious.
The tractor industry is especially cautious about the next six months - though the expected order decline in Q1/2018 may b ...

October 2017 - Business mood remains upbeat
The business index of the agricultural machinery industry in Europe keeps on its highest values since 2012. Future business expectation has become slightly more cautious while current business evaluation has further improved.
The tractor industry is less euphoric than the rest of the agricultural machinery i ...

September 2017 - Business Barometer maintains its upward trend
The general business climate index of the agricultural machinery industry in Europe maintains its upward trend, scoring the highest value since 2012. Improvements in the livestock and the tractor business have notably contributed to the current favourable situation.
Accordingly, forecasts remain very positiv ...