- Document: Profile_CEMA_Technical_advisor_2018.pdf
CEMA is looking for a Technical Advisor.
Find below the full description of the position.
Deadline extended until 15 of February! - Take your chance & join the CEMA team.
Main Task:
The Technical (*) advisor contributes to the implementation of decisions taken by the Technical Board and detailed actions defined by the Project Teams within CEMA. The Technical advisor supports the Technical Director in delivering the secretariat services to the Technical Board.
Furthermore, the Technical advisor will co-operate with the other CEMA secretariat members in organizing other CEMA activities.
(*) Technical does include environmental matters (such as exhaust emission, bio fuels, pesticides,...)
Especially the following tasks will be part of the duties:
Information and Analysis:
- To inform member associations about relevant new activities within Europe, relevant for the members of CEMA
- To evaluate the implications of future EU legislation for the industry, bring the relevant points to the attention of the CEMA bodies, as well as to develop proposals for CEMA positions and strategies for those topics
- To help define, together with the Technical Board, the priorities of CEMA’s technical work
Internal Organisation / Co-ordination
- To manage CEMA Project Team meetings and to coordinate the agreed activities
- To provide support for a technical session during the Board meeting on the technical activities
Representation of CEMA / Networking / Public Information
- To represent CEMA and the interests of the manufacturers of tractors and agricultural machines with regard to European institutions as well as related associations, organisations and industries.
- To establish contacts with the relevant EU institutions on an expert level with regard to technical topics
- To co-ordinate/support lobbying actions concerning European legislation with regard to technical topics
- To co-operate with partner organizations for technical topics
- To prepare articles, press releases, etc. on technical topics promoting CEMA and the agricultural machinery industry
- Graduate in engineering or similar technical background with 2-3 year professional experience in the engineering industry / related organisations
- Working language is English. Notions of French and German are a plus
- Knowledge and familiarity of the products of the CEMA sector or knowledge of agronomics or farm practices are a plus
- Knowledge of the EU institutions and the legislative process, both the old approach (tractors) and the new approach (machinery), are a strong plus
- Knowledge of international standardization processes is a plus
- 2 to 3 years Industry experience is a strong plus
- Ability to express technical topics clearly and understandable to non-experts (written and spoken English)
- Ability to independently work, but consensus oriented
- Capability and assertiveness to manage groups
- Flexibility in working time and allocation of time for CEMA work
- Willingness to travel for meetings within Europe and from time to time outside Europe
Organizational integration
- Position based in Brussels
- Estimated annual working time for CEMA: full-time
Candidates should email their CV and motivational letter by 15/02/2019 (extended deadline): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Only selected candidates will be called for a personal interview in Brussels.
Indicative starting date: 04/03/2019