A specific questionnaire is addressed to Ag Machinery Manufacturers to collect expertise & reliable figures
Precision Agriculture Technologies Survey is still running until Monday, 4th of March
An opportunity has come for the Ag Machinery Industry to showcase the importance the adoption of Precision Agricultural Technologies (P.A.Ts.) has on EU agriculture.
In the past months, a survey has been jointly developed by CEMA, DG Agri, COPA-COGECA, Joint Research Centre, Eurostat & European Environment Agency to collect relevant data on PATs among different actors involved in EU Agriculture.
This survey, developed specifically for the ag machinery industry, is looking to assess the economic, environmental and social performance the usage of Precision Farming Technologies can have in European farms.
The collected data is intended to bring facts & figures that can provide a real picture of the situation of Precision Agricultural Technologies adoption by EU farmers and a better orientation under the Common Agricultural Policy, Digital or Research Policies to foster its uptake.
Two other surveys are running in parallel among farmers and public authorities.
CEMA EXPERTISE IS NEEDED! – Extended Deadline to 4th of March – CLICK HERE to access the survey.
The survey is composed by 8 questions focusing on the following technologies:
- Machine guidance and control
- Variable Rate Technology
- Recording and Mapping Technology
- Reactive / automation technologies
- Farm Management Information Systems (FMIS)
For further information on the survey, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.