
Welcome to the new CEMA website!
CEMA is glad to welcome you to its new and improved web space.
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EU accelerates the digital transformation of the European agri-food sector
Brussels, 01 November 2018
The SmartAgriHubs project enables a broad digital transformation of the European farming and food sector. With a €20 million budget co-funded by the European Union, the project aims to build an extensive pan-European network of Digital Innovation Hubs (DI ...

Agrocycle presented during Copa Cogeca Congress
The Horizon 2020 Agrocycle project had a chance to shine last week during the Copa-Cogeca Congress, organised in Linz, Austria, from 10 to 12 October 2018. Th ...
The Future of Agriculture in Europe: Smart Farming Leads the Way
Smart AKIS Final Conference: 27 of June, Brussels
Join us for the Smart AKIS Final Conference in Brussels!
After 2 years of work, the EU Smart-AKIS Network gladly invites you to attend its fin ...

Code of Conduct on agricultural data sharing sets the scene for digital farming
Brussels, 23 of April 2018 - A coalition of associations from the EU agri-food chain launched a joint EU Code of Conduct on agricultural data sharing in Brussels today. The Code promotes the benefits of sharing data and enables agri-business models, including agri-cooperatives and oth ...