Document: Press_release_CEMA_and_AEB_sign_Memorandum_of_Understanding_25062014.pdf

Brussels, 25 June 2014 – CEMA, the association representing the European agricultural machinery industry, and AEB, the Association of European Businesses conducting business in and with the Russian Federation, have agreed to establish a cooperation to pursue common strategies, interests and objectives in the field of agricultural machinery in the EU and the Russian Federation.

Both associations have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which underlines their joint objective to improve the Russian business and trade environment for European manufacturers of agricultural machinery as part of their broader commitment to promoting economic integration and partnership between the Russian Federation and the European Union.

Frank Schauff, CEO of the AEB said: “CEMA and AEB share many common views and priorities. On trade, both associations firmly believe that reliable and responsible trade policies are the key to achieving mutually beneficial economic growth for the Russian Federation and the EU. To accomplish this task, trade relations between the EU and the Russian Federation and the Eurasian Customs Union need to comply with the spirit and philosophy of the WTO.”

Ulrich Adam, Secretary General of CEMA said: “European and Russian manufacturers of agricultural machinery play a key role in the supply of food, feed and energy from agricultural raw materials within the Russian Federation. The joining of forces of CEMA and AEB is an important step to ensure an adequate positioning of the agricultural machinery industry sector within the regulatory environment of the Russian Federation and to work towards further harmonization of the technical regulatory framework for agricultural machinery between the EU and the Russian Federation.”

Following the signature of the MoU, both associations will elaborate a roadmap that will define the nature and scope of common projects and activities in the coming months.