Document: Press_Release_Fresh_EU_focus_needed_on_smart_regulation_trade_and_competitiveness_2014_11_05_FINAL.pdf

Machinery industry says focus is critical to unleash industry’s full potential and boost jobs, innovation and growth in Europe

Brussels, 5 November 2014 – With the start of the new European Commission’s mandate, the EU should put a fresh focus on smart regulation, trade, and competitiveness so as to boost jobs, innovation and growth during its 5-year term.

This was the key message during a high-level policy discussion at the European Parliament between Paul Rübig MEP, Sirpa Pietikäinen MEP and Vicky Ford MEP, officials from the European Commission as well as business leaders from the European Machinery Industry. 

“When talking about jobs, innovation and growth, the European Machinery Industry has an important contribution to make. One critical question will therefore be whether EU initiatives in the next five years will be able to structurally support the industry to unleash its full potential and help to bring growth back to Europe” underlined Mr Rübig.

Following Mr Rübig’s opening remarks, business leaders from the European Machinery Industry highlighted key EU initiatives which could make a difference in the years ahead:

• Eric Lepine, Managing Director of Caterpillar France and President of the Committee for European construction equipment manufacturers CECE, outlined how the new EU draft Regulation on diesel engine emission limits will impact the industry’s ability to remain innovative:
“Our industry is on track and committed to delivering innovative machines that will match the new emission limits which will be the strictest in the world. However, because of the very wide variety of different products in our industry, it will remain a complex challenge to adapt all our products in time. Therefore, we need a swift adoption of this Regulation, no later than Q1 2016, in order to give the industry adequate time to transition to these new emission limits. We also need the issue of niche products and replacement engines to be addressed,” he stressed.

• Richard Markwell, Vice President and Managing Director, Massey Ferguson EMEA and President of the European agricultural machinery association CEMA underlined the importance for the EU to defend and promote greater and freer cross-border trade:
“The European Machinery Industry exports a growing share of its production outside of Europe. Trade policy initiatives such as TTIP will be key to deliver jobs, innovation, and growth both at home and abroad,” Mr Markwell said.

• Jan van der Velden, Senior Manager Systems at Vanderlande Industries and President of the European materials handling federation FEM, stressed that the “industry’s competitiveness does not come from low wages and low production costs, but from our reliability, know-how and innovation. The EU regulatory framework must help preserve and develop these strengths rather than limit them.”

About CECE
CECE represents and promotes the European construction equipment and related industries towards the European Institutions, coordinating the views national sector associations and their members, and working with other organizations worldwide to achieve a fair, competitive environment via harmonized standards and regulations. The European construction equipment industry consists of around 1200 companies and employs 130.000 persons directly, with the same number in sales and services. The industry had a turnover of 25 billion Euro from European production in 2013. CECE is a network of 15 member associations in 13 countries, including Russia and Turkey, and holds office in Brussels.
Contact: Sigrid de Vries, Secretary General, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

About CEMA
CEMA is the European association representing the agricultural machinery industry. For 50 years CEMA has acted as a network of national associations and provides services, advice and a common European industry view on relevant topics. The industry represented by CEMA includes 4,500 manufacturers of agricultural equipment employing directly 135,000 persons and indirectly in the distribution and service network another 125,000 persons. The companies are mainly small and medium-sized manufacturers according to the EU definition and in 2011 had a total turnover of 26 billion euro.
Contact: Ulrich Adam, Secretary General, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

About FEM
Created in 1953, the European Materials Handling Federation ( represents, defends and promotes European manufacturers of materials handling, lifting and storage equipment. FEM speaks for 15 members representing some 1,000 companies (mostly SMEs) employing 160,000 people directly and with an annual turnover of €45 billion (2013).
Contact: Olivier Janin, Secretary General, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.