Document: Press_Release_CEMA-ELO_2015_European_Bee_Award_10122015.pdf

In a ceremony hosted by Franc Bogovič MEP in Brussels, the prize established by ELO and CEMA is handed over to the two projects for their contribution to biodiversity and bee-friendly farming

BRUSSELS, 10 DECEMBER 2015 — Pollinators took centre stage in Brussels last night at the 2015 European Bee Award. With pollination a vital component of the entire European countryside, the Bee award is given out to those farmers and land managers who help these vital species flourish through practical and innovative projects.

“Bee Deals” and “Czech Bumblebee” projects emerged from the 23 applications received by the jury in this second edition of the award, established in 2014 by the European Landowners’ Organization (ELO) and the European Agricultural Machinery Association (CEMA).

Franc Bogovič MEP and Member of the Jury opened the ceremony, saying that “it’s an honour for me to host the 2015 Bee Award Ceremony, an initiative that shows the commitment of the farming community and civil society in protecting the key role of pollinators in European agriculture."

Thierry de l’Escaille, Secretary General of ELO, “there are many ways that we can show our support for bees, but I believe today’s winners have shown us that the best way of protecting pollinators in the field is by acting together."

Gilles Dryancour, CEMA Honorary President, “on behalf of the ag machinery industry, we are pleased to see the winner projects clearly showcased that research and the use of smart technologies in agriculture, especially in spraying operations, can greatly contribute to preserve pollinators’ environment” he said.

Walter Haefeker, President of the European Beekeepers Association and Ladislav Miko, acting director General of DG SANTE, represented the Members of the Jury during the Award Ceremony.

More than 100 participants attending the award ceremony last night, including the EU institutions, civil society and the agri-food sector came together to celebrate bees, exchange best practices, and show the best way forward. A bee hotel from the winning project was displayed and participants received a sample of homemade Belgian honey and a seed mixture bag to encourage them to plant more wild flowers in their own gardens

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Winners Jenneke van Vliet (Bee Deals) and Jan Nedelnik (Czech Bumblebee) with the members of the Jury: Franc Bogovic MEP, Thierry de L’Escaille – ELO, Ladislav Miko – European Commission, Gilles Dryancour – CEMA, Walter Haefeker – EPBA)


Winner project

The Dutch project “Bee Deals” from Centre for Agriculture and Environment (CLM) consists of a particularly innovative approach involving all the relevant actors along the food chain (farmers, municipalities, retailers). By signing a Bee Deal, key actors commit themselves to promoting bee friendly practices in their day-to-day work and activities, such as efficient spraying machinery methods or establishing bee-corridors.

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“Czech Bumblebee” is a successful project lead by Agricultural Research Ltd, consisting on the repopulation of local bumblebees. Nested bumblebees are sold to farmers and any interested people in the community to foster crop pollination while supporting local biodiversity. Another key element of the project is to raise awareness on the importance of pollinators in local landscapes and communities.

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