Market Data
Data on the agricultural machinery market developments is gathered within different CEMA groups. Economic Experts from the different associations come together to discuss the broader trends and developments. The CEMA Product Groups, consisting of company representatives, collect statistics on a monthly basis and gather once a year for their annual meeting to discuss the main trends. Based on the results of these groups, CEMA publishes market data reports and key findings regarding market trends. The Agrievolution Alliance provides global data.
Good business developments for arable farming equipment manufacturers
New product segments in focus
...Stable market outlook for Grassland Equipment
...COVID-19 leads to negative first six months for tractor registrations in 2020
Industry barometer hints to post-pandemic hopes for the second half of the year
...Stable year for tractor registrations in 2019
Demand for tractors remains stable, but industry barometer indicates recession
...Positive first six months for tractor registrations in 2019
...Positive Development for Arable Farming – Not All Segments Benefit
Stable Market expected in 2019
...Positive year for tractor sales even if registration data gives other message
Demand for tractors is stable, despite fewer registrations in 2018 due to EU legislation
...Market for Grassland Equipment finds balance
...Mixed signals from tractor registration data