Unleashing the potential of modern farm equipment for the Circular Economy

Benefits, barriers and recommendations to encourage sustainable agricultural systems in Europe

The European agricultural machinery industry represented by CEMA fully supports the concept of promoting the transition towards a Circular Economy. Smart, dedicated machinery can be of great added value to this initiative and can also contribute significantly to reaching wider EU objectives such as the Energy Union, the EU’s climate objectives and higher levels of resource efficiency.

By generating knowledge and offering innovative ways to transform agricultural commodities into a more suitable input for re-use initiatives, advanced farm machinery can make a difference for farmers and their contribution in the initiative. As such, the agricultural machinery industry is committed to being an active contributor to this process.



Circular Economy Consultation Submission

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To advance agricultural machinery and solutions for sustainable farming, CEMA focuses on a number of priorities. Agriculture 4.0 and Smart Farm Machines are drivers for efficiency and competitiveness in modern sustainable farming. EU Regulations must however be appropriate, harmonizing the rules without burdening the sector with excessive administrative and technical requirements. Through the participation to selected EU projects and initiatives, our industry contributes to innovation in the agri-food chain. The European farm equipment industry is a leading technology provider for farmers worldwide and is part of the solution to feed a growing world population. 


Greater sustainability and environmental protection

Economic benefits

Higher productivity

Higher productivity

Economic benefits

Greater sustainability and environmental protection

Study: CAP 2021 - 2027 'Reform Highlights'

The study highlights the recent trends during CAP negotiations, pointing to changes in CAP strategic plans ...


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